Mary is a certified professional Co-Active coach and is certified in the Integrative Enneagram and Conversational Intelligence®.
The Enneagram framework refers to nine points of view, also known as Types, or styles that reference different perspectives of the way people think, feel and act in relation to the world, others and themselves. It reveals more than a personality profile, as it goes into the often unconscious core motivations. These insights can strengthen your understanding of tensions and possibilities that exist in relationships, teams and organizations.
Conversational Intelligence® is a revolutionary body of work leveraging the power of neuroscience to create profound and lasting transformation for individuals, teams and entire organizational cultures. Combining science and intuition, Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) aspires to shift our world from I-Centric to WE-Centric and architect Conversational Transformation on a neuro-chemical level.
She is PCC credentialed with the International Coach Federation. She has completed more than 500 hours of experiential training with master coaches. Mary uses these skills with executives, social entrepreneurs, rising leaders and teams to strengthen their abilities and skills to guide organizations to excellence.
Most recently, Mary became certified in the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI 360) developed by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis in partnership with Korn Ferry.